Postal Accountability and
Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA)
Legislative History


The Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act of 2006 (PAEA) is the only comprehensive revision of the Postal Reorganization Act of 1970, the act that abolished the old Post Office Department and established the semi-independent agency, the United States Postal Service. This page provides information on the development of the PAEA in Congress from initial hearings in 1995 to final enactment in 2006.

Legislative Histories

Legislative History of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act: Public Law 109-435,” by James I. Campbell Jr. (Sep. 2007). Without selective source materials appended.

Legislative History of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act: Public Law 109-435,” by James I. Campbell Jr. (Sep. 2007). With selective source materials appended.

Legislative History of the International Postal Policy Provisions of the Postal Accountability and Enhancement Act,” by James I. Campbell Jr. (Aug. 2016). A detailed history of the provisions of the PAEA relating to international postal policy, primarily revision of 39 U.S.C. § 407.

Source Materials

[To be added]

Congressional bills and draft bills

Committee reports

Committee hearings


Studies by the General Accountability Office and Others