The page provides copies of selected documents which are relied upon in
articles posted on this website but which are generally inaccessible to
scholars. Many of the documents are retyped from original sources;
notification of errors in transcription would be greatly appreciated.
Additional materials will be posted in response to reasonable requests. This
page is divided into the following sections
Mar 1845
Postal Act of 1845
Feb 1863
POD, Draft postal code of
Jun 1872
Postal code of
Aug 1873
POD, Assistant Attorney General, Opinion
No 14 (Aug 1, 1973), 1 Ops Sol POD 36 (pub 1905)
Jun 1878
Universal Postal Convention of 1878
Jun 1881
Attorney General, Opinion of
Jun 29, 1881
Jul 1885
POD, Assistant Attorney General, Opinion
No 470 (Jul 10, 1885), 2 Ops Sol POD 40 (pub 1905)
Jan 1897
POD, Assistant Attorney General, Opinion of Jan. 7, 1897 (unnumbered)
Feb 1897
POD, Second Assistant Postmaster General, "Orders and Decisions Relative to Railroad Mail Matter"
(Feb 6, 1897).
Apr 1898
POD, Assistant Attorney General, Opinion No. 1141
(Apr 29, 1898), 3 Ops. Sol. POD 211 (pub. 1909)
Apr 1909
POD, Assistant Attorney General, Opinion No. 1141
(Apr 29, 1898), 3 Ops Sol POD 211 (pub 1909).
May 1909
POD, Assistant Attorney General, Opinion of May 18, 1909, 5 Ops. Sol. POD 193 (pub. 1928)
Mar 1916
POD, Solicitor, Opinion of
Mar 10, 1916, 6 Ops Sol POD 373 (pub 1928).
May 1916
POD, Solicitor, Opinion of May 5, 1916, 6 Ops. Sol. POD 397 (pub. 1928)
Jun 1918
POD, Solicitor, Opinion of June 22, 1918, 6 Ops. Sol. POD 619 (pub. 1928)
Aug 1919
Postmaster General, Letter to Chairman, House
Comm on Post Office and Post Roads, Aug 18, 1919 (unpub).
Jul 1973
Postal Service, "Restrictions on Private Carriage of Letters," 38 FR 17512
(Jul 2, 1973) (notice of proposed rulemaking).
Jan 1974
Postal Service, "Restrictions on Private Carriage of Letters," 39 FR 3968
(Jan 31, 1974) (revised notice of proposed rulemaking).
Sep 1974
Postal Service, "Comprehensive Standards for Permissible Private Carriage," 39 FR 33209
(Sep 16, 1974) (adoption of final rule)
Nov 1974
Postal Service,
letter to mailer, Nov 22, 1974, re lack of authority to suspend criminal
laws creating postal monopoly
May 1986
Reagan, letter to Postmaster General, May 1, 1986 re remail and 1984 UPU
May 1988
of Justice, letter to OMB, May 1, 1988, re terminal dues
Aug 1994
Clinton, letter to Postmaster
General, Aug 14, 1994, delegating authority to represent U.S. at 1994 UPU
Oct 1995
Postal Service,
letter to House Subcommittee on the Postal Service, Oct. 25, 1995, re
authority to suspend postal monopoly
Jul 1988
Customs Service.
"A Review of U.S. Customs Treatment: International Express Mail& Express Consignment
Shipments," Jul 13, 1998
Oct 1998
Public Law 105–277,
Oct 21, 1998, transferring authority to represent the U.S. at the UPU to
the Dept of State and for other purposes
Dec 1998
U.S. House Comm. on Government Reorm
and Oversight, Title 39, United States Code, U.S. Postal Service and
Selected Additional Provisions of Law, 105th Cong., 2d Sess. Print No.
105-E (Dec. 1998) |
Jan 1999
FDX Corp,
Draft Proposals to Amend the Acts of the UPU at the Congress in
Beijing, Jan 14, 1999
Jan 1999
Service, public presentation on terminal dues, Jan 26,
Feb 1999
States, Proposal to convene an Extraordinary Congress in 2001 to reform
the UPU, Feb 1999
Apr 1999
Service, "Comments of the United States Postal Service on
the Proposal of FDX Corporation to Amend Article 40 of the UPU Convention,"
Apr 2, 1999
Apr 1999
H.R. 22, 106th
Cong, 1st Sess, as reported by the House Postal Service,
Apr 29, 1999
Apr 1999
Postal Laws of the United States
showing amendments proposed by H.R. 22
May 1999
Service, letter to Dept of State re proposals to reform terminal dues and
reform provisions of UPU, May 14, 1999
Sep 1999
States, statement, reservations, and declarations on signing UPU
Convention of 1999, Sep
15, 1999
Apr 2002
Service, Transformation Plan. Complete report, 6.2 Mb. (Jim Campbell
contributed to this report as a consultant.)
Jul 2003
Commission on the United States Postal Service, Embracing the Future:
Making the Tough Choices to Preserve Universal Service (2003). Final
report of the Commission. Bookmarked version. Complete report, 6.2 Mb.
(Jim Campbell contributed to this report as a consultant.)
Feb 2006
Side-by-Side of House and Senate Versions of H.R. 22, “The Postal
Accountability and Enhancement Act” (Feb. 25, 2006). A full text comparison
of the bill as approved by the House of Representatives and placed on the
Senate calendar on July 27, 2005, H.R. 22 PCS ("Placed Calendar Senate"),
and the bill as later approved and engrossed in the Senate with an amendment
in the nature of a substitute on February 9, 2006, HR 22 EAS (Engrossed
Amendment Senate).
Jan 2007
Title 39 Markup: Title 39,
United States Code, Showing Changes by The Postal Accountability And
Enhancement Act Of 2006 (Ver. 1.0, Jan. 3, 2007).
Jan 2007
Title 39 as Amended:
Title 39, United States Code As Amended by The Postal Accountability And
Enhancement Act Of 2006 (Ver. 1.0, Jan. 3, 2007).
Mar 2007
Title 39 as Amended:
Title 39, United States Code As Amended by The Postal Accountability And
Enhancement Act Of 2006 (Ver. 2.0, Mar 12, 2007). Based upon the slip
law, Pub. L. 109-435, 120 Stat. 3198-3263. Includes provisions of the PAEA
codified in the slip law as notes to Title 39, United States Code, and
selected uncodified provisions of the PAEA.